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Vaper's Tongue

What Is It, and What Can You Do About It?

What is Vaper's Tongue?

If you find yourself unable to detect the taste or flavor of your vape juice despite trying various vaping techniques, it's likely that you've encountered Vaper's tongue. Vaper's tongue is a common occurrence experienced by vapers, regardless of their experience level. Although not permanent, it can be an unpleasant experience, making it essential to comprehend its causes and learn how to alleviate this condition.

Causes of Vaper's Tongue



Dehydration is the most common cause of Vaper's Tongue. Since key eLiquid ingredients like Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycol are known to absorb moisture, frequent vaping can absorb the moisture from your tongue, causing cottonmouth. If you're already dehydrated, the effects can be even worse when vaping.

Same Flavor Too Often

Same Flavor Too Often

If you don't have enough variety in your eLiquid selection and only smoke the same flavor again and again, there's a good chance you've experienced Vaper's Tongue. To avoid the redundancy and eventual dulling of your taste buds, add more variety into your routine, commonly switching between sweet, sour, minty and fruity flavors.



We've all been sick and in turn, had a hard time tasting our foods or beverages. This is because our nasal passages provide our sense of taste and when our nose is clogged up, our taste buds aren't as effective. Illness can have the same side effects on E-Cig users, limiting their ability to truly taste any eLiquids.

Old Liquid

Old Liquid

As eLiquids begin to age, they may eventually start losing their flavor and taste. Over time, the activators in eLiquids start to deteriorate, causing the flavor to disappear, potentially leading to a somewhat peppery taste. So, in instances where you may not be able to taste a certain eLiquid, that might actually be due to an outdated flavor rather than Vaper's Tongue.

Worn-Out Hardware

Worn-Out Hardware

Is your favorite eLiquid flavor starting to taste burnt and possibly lose all identifiable qualities? The issue is probably your equipment, not your taste buds. Atomizer coils used to heat eLiquids to turn them into vapor eventually burn the atomizer's cotton or wick until the flavor is no longer noticeable and every eLiquid begins to taste burnt. The lower the resistance on your atomizer, the faster coils heat up and need to be replaced.

Cures For Vaper's Tongue

Hydrate With Water

Hydrate With Water

Avoid dehydration by drinking lots of water. While that may seem obvious, as it's one of the easiest things we can do to remain healthy, very few of us drink our recommended daily water requirement. Not only will more water help you feel better in general, consistent exposure to eLiquids leave your body less suspectible to vaper's tongue and dry mouth.

Change eLiquids

Change eLiquids

If you've been vaping the same eLiquid for months on end, there's a very good chance the flavor begins to flatline and Vaper's Tongue has set in. Avoid this issue by simply switching up your eLiquid flavors more frequently. Try types of flavors your taste buds might not be accustomed to and your mouth will never get familiar enough with a certain flavor to warrant Vaper's Tongue.

Cleanse Your Palate

Cleanse Your Palate

One of the most common homegrown remedies for Vaper's Tongue is to cleanse your palate. There are various ways to go about this, including: sucking on a lemon, drinking milk, eating chocolate, smelling coffee grinds or even taking a shot of vinegar. While none of these have been proven by physicians and the results vary per person, many vapers have had success from these tactics, so try them at will and under the right expectations.

Clean Your Mouth

Clean Your Mouth

Another way to cleanse your palate and stay hydrated is to keep up with your oral hygiene. If you're regularly brushing your teeth and using mouthwash, your chances of developing Vaper's Tongue are much less likely. If you're not taking care of your mouth, palate fatigue can easily occur, allowing Vaper's Tongue to settle in faster than normal. Vapers are recommended to brush three times daily, making sure to scrub their tongue, roof of mouth and cheek walls.

If Vaper's Tongue is a problem you're experiencing regularly, consider the helpful tips above and take the needed steps to regain the full flavor of your daily vaping experience. If you're ready to change eLiquid flavors, browse our full selection of Premium eLiquids and find your next go-to flavor.